Clarion takes four different approaches to investing in the CLO space:
- InstitutionalFundsInstitutional Funds
Actively managed closed funds, purchasing CLO equity tranches from selected managers on behalf of pools of our investors.
- InsuranceDedicatedFundInsurance Dedicated Fund
Investing for holders of private placement life insurance policies or private placement variable annuities as a means of estate planning, aimed at growing intergenerational wealth.
- SeparatelyManagedAccountsSeparately Managed Accounts
Customized accounts for particular investors, managed to their bespoke strategies and target risk levels.
- CrownGlobalInsuranceCrown Global Insurance
Standalone company with both insurance and investment operations.

Insurance Dedicated Fund
Enabling tax-efficient investment strategies for certain high net worth investors.
Insurance Dedicated Funds (Link opens in new window)- PrivatePlacementLifeInsurance(“PPLI”)Private Placement Life Insurance (“PPLI”)
PPLI is a variable life insurance solution offering certain highly affluent investors specialized inter-generational investing strategies, with potentially tax-deferred compound growth for the life of the policy.
- PrivatePlacementVariableAnnuity(“PPVA")Private Placement Variable Annuity (“PPVA")
PPVA can provide tax-deferred compound growth for the life of an annuity until amounts are drawn, with strategies designed for certain investors seeking tax-deferred compound growth or tax-deferred returns.
Clarion IDF available on these Insurance carriers
Clarion is the exclusive investment manager for Crown Global.
Crown Global (Link opens in new window)